I was born in Columbus, Ohio on a sunny drizzling October evening. Columbus is very much my home and it is near and dear to my heart. I began my transition in my mid twenties and through a mixture of curiosity and my insatiable physical nature drew me to this profession. 

I am truly a bit of a nerd. I have bookshelves littered with science-fiction and fantasy novels. The spines of each cracked thoroughly and the dust jackets long missing. I play Dungeons and Dragons every week with a group of friends that  changes with the seasons but we all return to the same table to craft stories and revel in friendship. 

Music and culture compliment my love and respect for science. I am quite the avid singer (seriously, try to get me to stop singing!) and I more than dabble in a handful of musical instruments.  I am hungry to try new things constantly, be it food or experiences. 

But most assuredly my love for people is my biggest passion.  

My Passion

I am not being hyperbolic when I say that my passion is people. At some point in this journey I found that the vast amount of connections I had developed because of the advent of the internet had left me emptier than I had realized. You must realize that I am fully a child of the internet age and hadn’t known a life that wasn’t immediately linked to the rest of the world. 

It was in this profession of companionship that I found a semblance of peace that I haven’t felt in quite some time. I was meeting people from very different walks of life than my own and forging lasting relationships with them. These were people that if I had come across them online I may have simply passed them by without a moment’s hesitation. 

Now I have found a piece of the “something” that I was missing. This visceral and literal connection of being with another human being and becoming something more than just another block of text on a screen we casually scroll by. It was this connection, a real corporeal person to person moment in time that I was missing. It was also in the same thought that I realized that not only was I missing this but millions of others probably were as well. 

Becoming a professional companion might seem like a contrived way to create that connection but I also realized that I have this uncanny ability to be comfortable with anyone. I see you as you. You may be a single person among many like a star glittering among trillions of others. I am not looking to connect with the masses, however. That is what Twitter is for. I am here to connect with you. 

Facts and F.A.Q's

Inevitably the conversation comes up as to what my current anatomical configuration is. I have all the same parts I am born with. To quote Commander Data I am, “Fully functional and anatomically correct.”

Height: 6’0

Weight: 150 lbs

Proportions: 34″ – 30 “- 32”

Eyes: Green (Of Course!)

Hair: Red (though I have considered going blonde!)

You can expect to have one of the most memorable experiences of your adult life. I have an innate ability to read people and find ways to communicate what we need and want. One of my favorite things to say, even if it is a bit crass, is that I am the “best, first tinder date you’ve ever been on.”